My journey through motherhood and this little thing we call life...

Wednesday, May 27, 2009

It's always better when we're together...

Today William and I had the pleasure of watching Emily and Alie while Hillary went to a doctor's appointment. William slept during most of their visit, but woke up just in time to gaze out the balcony window with his girls. Oh boy, were they the cutest site to see!

What I didn't catch on film was the moment that occurred right after this shot. William and Alie finally realized how close they were crammed together in that doorway, and started yanking at each other's scarce strands of hair. Neither would let go, instead they preferred to just stand there screaming at one another until I pulled them apart. Less than a minute later they were "cooking" together in William's kitchen and playing like perfect angels!
I hope to post tomorrow with some some specific thoughts that I have on my mind, rather than generalizations. Be sure to check back tomorrow to see what's going on!
I'm off to bed to let this baby grow some more! I'm trying to sleep, or at least rest, when William does (yet my sweet boy has been asleep since 8 so I'm got some catching up to do!).
I hope you all have a great night and an even better tomorrow!

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