My journey through motherhood and this little thing we call life...

Monday, May 18, 2009

God is so good, he's so good to me!

Happy Monday evening, friends! I thought I'd post with a MRSA update since I haven't done so in awhile. Thankfully, after a month of this whole ordeal, my wound is completely healed over. The spot that Dr. G cauterized has healed very quickly (much to my surprise). I am still keeping the spot covered with a Band-Aid because it is still sensitive and, quite frankly, I'm not comfortable walking around with it aired to the world. At this point, however, the rash from the bandage's adhesive is worse than the wound itself! Funny how that happens...the side-affects being worse than the disease itself (like how the antibiotic made me feel crummier than anything else).

My*PPD has been practically non-existent. Of course I have the typical ups and downs, but not the come-straight-home-from-work-and-go-to-bed kind. William has been sleeping through the night and has been very well behaved, so I'm sure that helps with my improved mood! I'm still on the Zoloft, but will probably be weaning off of it in the next few months. I want to be completely off of it before trying to get pregnant again away.

*Post-Partum Depression

While on the topic of my family's health, I'll go ahead and let you know that Sweet Boy's head is healing wonderfully! He's still got a little scrape where the "gash" was, but that is almost gone completely. God is good, and God heals very quickly!

I hope you all have a wonderful night and an even better to you then!

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