My journey through motherhood and this little thing we call life...

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

I'm running out of witty titles (work, brain, work!)

Today was my first day back to work in a week and, boy, am I feeling it!! The kids were great- no major issues to report, but I am just not used to actually doing work these days (remember, I haven't cooked in eons??). I did, however, make dinner tonight and even ran a few errands (sans baby).

William did well today too. He stayed with my friend, Lisa, because my brother was sick at home with some sort of bug. My mom and I decided that I definitely didn't need anything else in my system so we opted to keep William far, far away! He was very well behaved at Lisa's, but he also wasn't feeling well. It seems that he either as allergies or a cold?? I know that doctors say that children don't develop allergies until later in life...I say that's a bunch of bull-hockey!

Please pray that our Sweet William is protected from illness and gets a good night's sleep. Last night he decided that it was necessary for him to hog our bed, so mommy and daddy need a good night's rest as well...

Oh yeah!! That brings me to my next prayer request: Sean's test!

That's right, friends, the day has come! Tomorrow is the big test that he's been studying for for a year now. Please pray that he gets a night full of rest, that he'll have peace, wisdom, and good recall tomorrow, and that he'll do his best...and pass of course!!! His test is at 11:00 and it lasts 2.5 hours, so I'll post as soon as I know something (and then I will go celebrate with my scholar!!!).

Hope you all have a wonderful night and an even better better tomorrow! I'm off to shower and try out my new (ahem) $30 styling product (and I wonder why our savings account is nil!). It's supposed to be amazing and I'm allowed to return it if I don't absolutely loooove it. You bet your boots I hung onto that receipt! I'll letcha (pardon my 8th grade slang) know how it works, and if you're lucky I may even post pictures of curly headed Erin. If you're lucky...

Nighty Night,

**MRSA update: My arm looks fab-u-lous!!

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