My journey through motherhood and this little thing we call life...

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

A ((good)) day in the life...

Good evening, friends. Since I had such a dreary day yesterday, I thought I owed it to you to post an update today. Whereas yesterday I accomplished absolutely nothing, today was quite different. Right off the bat, I could tell that today was my day. Even though I had a touch of morning sickness, I still managed to do more by noon than I did all day yesterday!

This was a ((good)) day in the life of us:

-We woke up relatively early (7:45) and actually had breakfast at breakfast time (imagine that).

-While William munched on his mini pancakes, I made our pasta sauce for supper.

-After breakfast we played, watched Barney (argh), and I cleaned up a bit.

-William resisted his a.m. nap a bit, but after 2 nice, warm bottles, he eased into a deep sleep...

- ...for an hour.

-During that hour, I was able to get ready for the day and enjoy a few seconds of shut-eye.

-After sweet boy woke up, we ate our lunch on the balcony while watching William's birds. He loves sitting in his Elmo addarodake chair, muching on cheese cubes and yobaby, and watching the world pass by.

-Next we went to my friend Courtney's house. (I am watching Courtney's boys one a week for her this summer. She has a beautiful home and three sweet boys that William and I are looking forward to spending time with).

-William and I then made a Target run with our dear friends: Hillary, Emily, and Alie (by the way, William said 'Alie' today!).

-After getting home and finishing up supper, we went on a lovely walk to a new park that we recently discovered. It's a fenced in playground that is about 4 blocks away at a Presbyterian church. I called them the other day to ask if it was reserved for members only, but to my surprise, it was open to all. It was such a well taken care of place that I am trying to think of something to do to repay the church. We'll see what comes to mind...


William's now in bed and I am going to join him very shortly in dreamland. Tomorrow we are going to my youngest brother's award ceremony at his school, and then brunching with the family for my middle brother's Birthday. Looks like we'll be nice and occupied tomorrow as well! Thank you for all your love, support, and prayers. I greatly, greatly appreciate it. I hope you all have a great night and an even better tomorrow.

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